Election of the 2025 Queens of the Festivities
14 September 2024
25 April Literary Awards and 2022 Salvador Soria-Salvador Soria Painting Contest
8.00 PM: Award ceremony for the 25 April Literary Awards and the Salvador Soria- Vila de Benissa painting contest.
Presentation of the winning entries from the 2021 edition.
9.00 PM: Inauguration of the 2022 Salvador Soria – Vila de Benissa painting contest exhibition. At the Taller d’Ivars Art Centre.
10.30 PM: Festive parade accompanied by a brass band to see the decorated streets.
7.00 PM: Festive parade through the streets of the town.
8.00 PM: Proclamation of the festivities at the parish church by Ana Ronda Femenía.
10.00 PM: Gathering of authorities and festival queens from neighbouring towns at Plaza del Portal.
10.30 PM: Coronation ceremony of the senior and junior queens of 2020: Itziar Perales Suárez and Emma Cozens-Hardy Vila.
At the end of the event, the festivities will continue with the Euforia orchestra at Plaza Rei Jaume I.
01.00 to 6.30 AM: Safe Spaces, Plaza Rei Jaume I and Plaza Dolores Piera (the parking lot where the stages are set up in front of the Church).
10.00 AM: The Church will remain open throughout the day for whoever wants to make offerings to the Purísima in order to avoid crowding in the afternoon.
11.00 AM: Children’s Park organised by Arte Mediterráneo.
12.30 PM: ‘Entrada de la murta’ (procession along streets strewn with myrtle) with the assistance of the Amics del Carro horsemen’s and carters’ association, accompanied by the Colla El Riberer and a musical band.
6.30 PM: Vespers and bell ringing.
7.00 PM: Gathering at the Plaza del Convento of participants in the floral offering. Accompanied by the L’Esbart Dansaire dancing group and the Xirimiters El Riberer traditional music band. The dancers will perform on Plaza Rei Jaume I.
7.30 PM: Gathering of festivalgoers at the costera del Convent to begin their parade to the Church, accompanied by the La Marina Alta Muixeranga.
7.30 PM: Floral offering to the Puríssima Xiqueta, followed by the granting of medals to the festivalgoers and a performance by the Muixeranga in front of the Church.
00.30 AM: Nocturnal mascletà by the Ricasa pyrotechnical company at the roundabout between Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres.
01.00 AM: Grand tribute performance as a homage to Alejandro Sanz, “Lo que fui es lo que soy” by Fran Valenzuela.
Followed by the Vértigo orchestra.
01.00 to 6.30 AM: Safe Spaces, Plaza Rei Jaume I and Plaza Dolores Piera (the parking lot where the stages are set up in front of the Church).
08.00 AM: ‘Despertà’ (wakeup call).
10.00 AM: Festive parade through the streets of the town accompanied by the Colla de Xirimiters Pere Bigot and music bands.
11.30 AM: Solemn mass and sermon by the Most Reverend José Francisco Castelló, secretary chancellor to the archbishopric of Valencia. Mass sung by the Benissa Choir.
Followed by a visit to the San Joaquín y Santa Ana home for the elderly.
2.00 PM: Great mascletá by the Ricasa pyrotechnical company at the roundabout between Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres.
7.00 PM: Low Mass and lowering of the image of the patron saint.
Followed by a solemn procession in honour of the Puríssima Xiqueta.
At the end, a spectacular vertical mascletá by Ricasa.
The vertical display will be followed by the tribute to Sabina, “500 noches”. Finally, a mobile disco with Dj Sergio Pérez.
08.00 AM: ‘Despertà’ (wakeup call) and ringing of bells.
10.00 AM: Festive parade through the streets of the town.
11.30 AM: Solemn mass and sermon in Honour of the Puríssima Xiqueta by Félix Perona, assistant parish priest of Sta. Maria in Ontinyent.
1.00 PM: Floral offering to the monument to the Riberer and homage to Esteve Banyuls, José Vidal, José Martínez, José Aparicio and Vicent Sala Bertomeu. Announcement by Antonio Esquerdo Banyuls on the placeta Vella.
2.00 PM: Mascletà by the Ricasa pyrotechnics company at the roundabout between Joaquin Peris and Mariana Torres.
6.00 PM: Great comic parade and fancy dress contest. The gathering will be held on Calle Alicante.
Followed by the award ceremony for the best-decorated streets and best costumes.
After that, we will all enjoy the children’s mini-disco by platino producciones held on Plaza Dolores Piera, with entertainers and gifts for children.
00.00 AM: Traditional Salve chant to the Puríssima Xiqueta at the old Joan Vives house, on Calle Puríssima, accompanied by a musical band, followed by the firing of a mile-long chain of firecrackers.
00.30 AM: Large-scale nocturnal mascletà by the Ricasa pyrotechnical company at the roundabout between Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres.
01.00 AM: Delivery of the wand of office to the bachelors’ mayor, Ximo Roselló Martínez.
01.30 AM: Performance by Danny Romero on Plaza Dolores Piera. The festivities will continue with the La Fiesta orchestra.
01.00 to 6.30 AM: Safe Spaces, Plaza Rei Jaume I and Plaza Dolores Piera (the parking lot where the stages are set up in front of the Church).
08.30 AM: ‘Despertá’ (wakeup call).
11.00 AM: Children’s park at the roundabout between Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres organised by Espectáculos La Afición.
2.00 PM: Paella contest on Plaza Rei Jaume I with a prize for the three top-rated entries.
4.30 PM: Music and dancing at the San Joaquín y Santa Ana home for the elderly, enlivened by Francisco Escoda.
5.30 PM: Live music «Los Ochenta» Grupo cuatro, on Plaza Rei Jaume I.
6.00 PM: Children’s Travelling Theatre «Pompas de jabón gigantes” with fairies and stilt walkers. Starts from costera del Convent.
After that, the 2020 Festivities Commission, in association with the Spanish Association Against Cancer, will distribute hot chocolate and muffins at the Joaquín Torres and Mariana Peris park.
10.00 PM: Rock and roll night with Vaire, La Fúmiga and Las Hijas de la Cumbia on Plaza Dolores Piera.
10.00 PM to 03.00 AM: Safe Spaces, Plaza Rei Jaume I and Plaza Dolores Piera (the parking lot where the stages are set up in front of the Church).
12.30 PM: Children’s carts in the park, organised by Arte Mediterráneo.
5.30 PM: Screening of “El Mayor Regalo” at the Benissa Municipal Cinema. Free admission. Limited openings.
6.30 PM: Entrance of bulls and cows from the Asensi ranch.
7.00 PM: Cows and bulls contest from the La Paloma ranch.
11.00 PM: Cows and bulls from the Asensi ranch.
5.30 PM: Screening of “Tierra de María” at the Benissa Municipal Cinema.
Free admission. Limited openings.
6.30 PM: Music and dancing at the Bèrnia social centre with Francisco Escoda.
6.30 PM: Entrance of bulls and cows from the La Paloma ranch.
7.00 PM: Cows and bulls contest from the Asensi ranch.
11.00 PM: Cows and bulls from the Benavent ranch.
6.30 PM: Entrance of bulls and cows from the Benavent ranch.
7.00 PM: Cows and bulls contest from the Benavent ranch.
11.00 PM: Entrance of the bulls from the La Paloma Ranch, followed by cows and bulls from the same ranch.
01.00 AM: Mega mobile disco: Tumbalea at the roundabout between Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres.
11.00 AM: Large-scale children’s park at the roundabout between Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres
12.00 PM: Entrance of the inflatable oxen from Calle la Puríssima to Plaza Rei Jaume I.
12.30 PM: Children’s carts at Plaza Dolores Piera, organised by enthusiasts.
12.30 PM: Anís Tenis anise liqueur tasting at Plaza Dolores Piera, accompanied by a brass band.
2.00 PM: Giant paella organised by Paellas Galvis in collaboration with the Casa Boira supermarket.
5.00 PM: Grand festive evening with the Tokio Band orchestra at the roundabout between Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres. Followed by the Remember the Nineties Party with Dj José Coll (Evento), DJ José Cuenca (Chocolate) and DJ Raul Platero (MDT) Juanher a live performance by New Límit.
6.30 PM: Music and dancing in the Bèrnia social centre enlivened by Francisco Escoda. Hot chocolate and cupcakes will be served.
6.30 to 10.30 PM: The winning ranch in the cow and bull displays will be announced.
With a € 300 prize to the best bull.
6.00 to 10.00 PM: Safe Space on the roundabout between Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres.
08.00 AM: ‘Despertá’ (Wakeup call) and ringing of the bells.
10.00 AM: Festive parade through the streets of the town accompanied by musical bands.
11.30 AM: Solemn mass and sermon in Honour of the Purísima Xiqueta. Mass sung by the parish choir.
2.00 PM: Mascletá held by the Ricasa pyrotechnics company on the roundabout between Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres.
10.00 PM: Closing musical performance.
14 September 2024