East Atlantic peacock wrasse hide amongst the sea grass and the Mediterranean barracudas patrol in search of tube fish and other small species.
The trail begins with a flight of stairs to access the beach in front of the Nautical Club. From there, you can go for a simple swim past the rocky jetty to see a clear, lush prairie of Neptune Grass on the sea floor. These are veritable lungs of the sea with an even greater capacity for oxygenation than land forests (1m2 of Neptune Grass can produce up to 14 l of oxygen), and they bear witness to the quality of these waters.
The Neptune Grass in this area is lush and abundant, and it is constantly visited by salpas and dreamfish grazing on its leaves. The bottom is 3 or 4 metres beneath the surface, and sandy areas alternate with a few rocks in which snake blennies, damselfish and painted combers engage in a flurry of activity. You can also sea peacock wrasse, garfish.
From May to July you can see large banks of juvenile damselfish with a striking bright blue colour that turns black as they mature. Before reaching the other end of the jetty, turn back and explore a rocky sea floor with areas in which whimsical rocky formations and polished stones contribute to the brightness of the sea floor. With some luck you may spot an octopus camouflaged in the rocky background.