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Primary School Manuel Bru

Primary School Manuel Bru

Tel · 96 573 90 40
Fax · 96 573 90 41
Web site · http://mestreacasa.gva.es/web/0300323100
See fact sheet

Primary School  Padre Melchor

Primary School Padre Melchor

Tel · 96 573 90 15
Fax · 96 573 90 16
Web site · www.cpparemelchor.com
See fact sheet

Academy Demòcrit

Academy Demòcrit

Tel · 96 573 12 56 / 649 987 168
See fact sheet

University Annexe

University Annexe

Tel · 96 573 35 62
Fax · 96 573 04 22
Web site · web.ua.es/va/seus/lamarina/
See fact sheet

Public Music and Dance School "Javier Santacreu"

Public Music and Dance School "Javier Santacreu"

Tel · 96 573 22 26
Fax · 96 573 01 87
Web site · www.ajbenissa.es
See fact sheet

High School Josep Iborra

High School Josep Iborra

Tel · 96 573 90 50
Fax · 96 573 90 51
Web site · http://iesbenissa.edu.gva.es
See fact sheet

Day-care Center Bambi

Day-care Center Bambi

Tel · 96 573 15 10
Fax · 96 573 15 10
Web site · www.guarderiabenissa.es
See fact sheet

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